    title      =  {4DHumanOutfit: A multi-subject 4D dataset of human motion sequences in varying outfits exhibiting large displacements},
    journal    =  {Computer Vision and Image Understanding},
    volume     =  {237},
    pages      =  {103836},
    year       =  {2023},
    issn       =  {1077-3142},
    doi        =  {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cviu.2023.103836},
    url        =  {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1077314223002163},
    author     =  {Matthieu Armando and Laurence Boissieux and Edmond Boyer and Jean-Sébastien Franco and Martin Humenberger and Christophe Legras and Vincent Leroy and Mathieu Marsot and Julien Pansiot and Sergi Pujades and Rim Rekik and Grégory Rogez and Anilkumar Swamy and Stefanie Wuhrer},
    keywords   =  {Digital human modeling, Multi-view reconstruction, Human motion database},
    abstract   =  {We present a new dataset of densely sampled spatio-temporal 4D human motion data of different actors, outfits and motions. The dataset contains different actors wearing different outfits while performing different motions in each outfit. It samples the space of 4D human motion along 3 axes with identity, outfit and motion, therefore providing a cube of data where each identity is represented by a planar slice of the cube with all outfits and for all motions. The dataset has numerous potential applications for the processing and creation of digital humans including augmented reality, avatar creation and virtual try on. 4DHumanOutfit is released for research purposes at https://kinovis.inria.fr/4dhumanoutfit/. In addition to image data and 4D reconstructions, the dataset includes reference solutions for each axis. We present independent baselines along each axis that demonstrate the value of these reference solutions for evaluation tasks.}
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2023_Armando_CVIU_datacube.pdf",
    hal_id     =  {hal-04129186},
    hal_version  =  {v1},
    author     =  "Julien Pansiot and Edmond Boyer",
    title      =  "{CBCT} of a Moving Sample from {X}-rays and Multiple Videos",
    journal    =  "IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI)",
    year       = {2019},
    volume     = {38},
    number     = {2},
    pages      = {383-393},
    keywords   = {X-rays;Attenuation;Three-dimensional displays;Solid modeling;Image reconstruction;Imaging;Bayes methods;Radiography;video;tomography;CBCT;Bayesian},
    doi        = {10.1109/TMI.2018.2865228},
    ISSN       = {0278-0062},
    month      = {Feb},
    url        =  "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8434346/",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2018_Pansiot_TMI_CBCT.pdf",
    author     =  "Julien Pansiot and Zhiqiang Zhang and Benny Lo and Guang-Zhong Yang",
    title      =  "{WISDOM}: Wheelchair Inertial Sensors for Displacement and Orientation Monitoring",
    journal    =  "Measurement Science and Technology",
    volume     =  22,
    number     =  10,
    pages      =  105801,
    year       =  2011,
    url        =  "http://iopscience.iop.org/0957-0233/22/10/105801/",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2011_Pansiot_IOPMST_WISDOM.pdf",
    video      =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/suppl/2011_Pansiot_IOPMST_WISDOM.mp4",
    author     =  "Omer Aziz and Benny Lo and Julien Pansiot and Louis Atallah and Guang-Zhong Yang and Ara Darzi",
    title      =  "From computers to ubiquitous computing by 2010: health care",
    journal    =  "Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A",
    volume     =  366,
    number     =  1881,
    pages      =  "3805--3811",
    year       =  2008,
    url        =  "http://rsta.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/366/1881/3805.full",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2008_Aziz_PhilTrans_Ubiquitous.pdf",
    author     =  {Julien Pansiot and Edmond Boyer},
    title      =  {{CT} from Motion: Volumetric Capture of Moving Shapes with {X}-rays and Videos},
    booktitle  =  {British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},
    year       =  2017,
    month      =  Sep,
    address    =  {London},
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2017_Pansiot_BMVC_CTfM.pdf",
    video      =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/suppl/2017_Pansiot_BMVC_CTfM.mp4",
    url        =  "https://bmvc2017.london/programme-1/",
    localurl   =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/paper-BMVC17.html",
    author     =  {Julien Pansiot and Edmond Boyer},
    title      =  {{3D} Imaging from Video and Planar Radiography},
    booktitle  =  {International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) -- Part III},
    year       =  2016,
    month      =  Oct,
    address    =  {Athens},
    publisher  =  {Springer},
    editor     =  {S. Ourselin et al.},
    series     =  {LNCS},
    volume     =  9902,
    chapter    =  52,
    pages      =  {450-457},
    doi        =  {10.1007/978-3-319-46726-9\_52},
    url        =  "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46726-9_52",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2016_Pansiot_MICCAI_Xrays3d_HALv2.pdf",
    video      =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/suppl/2016_Pansiot_MICCAI_Xrays3d.mp4",
    localurl   =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/paper-MICCAI16.html",
    note       =  "(oral presentation)",
    TITLE      =  {{Video-based body shape capture for movement study - Application to a walking sequence}},
    AUTHOR     =  {Martin, Olivier A.J. and Pansiot, Julien and Reveret, Lionel and Pusch, Andreas and Pagnon, David},
    URL        =  {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02079147},
    BOOKTITLE  =  {{Conference of the International Society for Posture and Gait Research (ISPGR)}},
    ADDRESS    =  {S{\'e}ville, Spain},
    YEAR       =  {2015},
    MONTH      =  Jun,
    HAL_ID     =  {hal-02079147},
    HAL_VERSION  =  {v1},
    author     =  {Julien Pansiot and Lionel Reveret and Edmond Boyer},
    title      =  {Combined Visible and X-Ray {3D} Imaging},
    booktitle  =  {Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA)},
    year       =  2014,
    month      =  Jul,
    pages      =  "13--18",
    address    =  {London},
    url        =  "http://www.city.ac.uk/medical-image-understanding-and-analysis-2014/programme",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2014_Pansiot_MIUA_Xrays.pdf",
    localurl   =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/paper-MIUA14.html",
    author     =  {Jeni Maleshkova and Matthew Purver and Oliver Grau and Julien Pansiot},
    title      =  {Presentation and Communication of Visual Artworks in an Interactive Virtual Environment},
    booktitle  =  {SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Posters},
    year       =  2013,
    month      =  Nov,
    address    =  {Hong Kong},
    pages      =  {37:1},
    publisher  =  {ACM},
    url        =  "http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2542346",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2013_Maleshkova_SIGASIA_Art.pdf",
    author     =  "Pauline Provini and Julien Pansiot and Lionel Reveret and Olivier Martin",
    title      =  "Video-based methodology for markerless human motion analysis",
    booktitle  =  "15\`eme Congr\`es international de l'Association des Chercheurs en Activit\'es Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS)",
    month      =  Oct,
    year       =  2013,
    address    =  "Grenoble",
    url        =  "http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00915093",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2013_Provini_ACAPS_Markerless.pdf",
    author     =  "Oliver Grau and Julien Pansiot",
    title      =  "Motion and velocity estimation of rolling shutter cameras",
    booktitle  =  "ACM Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP)",
    address    =  "London",
    year       =  2012,
    pages      =  "94--98",
    url        =  "http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2414700",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2012_Grau_CVMP_Velocity.pdf",
    author     =  "Marco Volino and Julien Pansiot and Oliver Grau and Adrian Hilton",
    title      =  "Layered View-dependent Texture Maps",
    booktitle  =  "Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP short papers)",
    address    =  "London",
    year       =  2012,
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2012_Volino_CVMP_Layered.pdf",
    author     =  "Jeni Maleshkova and Julien Pansiot and Oliver Grau",
    title      =  "Through the painter's eye: interactive 3{D} presentation of paintings on the web",
    booktitle  =  "Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP short papers)",
    address    =  "London",
    year       =  2012,
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2012_Maleshkova_CVMP_Painter.pdf"
    author     =  "Zhiqiang Zhang and Julien Pansiot and Benny Lo and Guang-Zhong Yang",
    title      =  "Human Back Movement Analysis Using {BSN}",
    booktitle  =  "8th International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN)",
    year       =  2011,
    address    =  "Dallas, Texas",
    url        =  "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs\_all.jsp?arnumber=5955289",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2011_Zhang_BSN_Back.pdf",
    author     =  "Douglas Gavin McIlwraith and Julien Pansiot and Guang-Zhong Yang",
    title      =  "Wearable and Ambient Sensor Fusion for the Characterisation of Human Motion",
    booktitle  =  "IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)",
    pages      =  "5505--5510",
    year       =  2010,
    month      =  Oct,
    address    =  "Taiwan",
    url        =  "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs\_all.jsp?arnumber=5650512",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2010_McIlwraith_IROS_Posture.pdf",
    title      =  "Swimming Stroke Kinematic Analysis with {BSN}",
    author     =  "Julien Pansiot and Benny Lo and Guang-Zhong Yang",
    pages      =  "153--158",
    year       =  2010,
    month      =  Jun,
    booktitle  =  "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN)",
    address    =  "Singapore",
    url        =  "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs\_all.jsp?arnumber=5504746",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2010_Pansiot_BSN_SwimBSN.pdf",
    title      =  "{RACKET}: Real-time Autonomous Computation of Kinematic Elements in Tennis",
    author     =  "Julien Pansiot and Ahmed Elsaify and Benny Lo and Guang-Zhong Yang",
    year       =  2009,
    booktitle  =  "IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCV Workshops) -- Fifth IEEE Workshop on Embedded Computer Vision",
    pages      =  "773--779", 
    address    =  "Kyoto, Japan",
    url        =  "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs\_all.jsp?arnumber=5457624",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2009_Pansiot_ECVW_RACKET.pdf",
    note       =  "(Best Paper Award)"
    title      =  "Structure Learning for Activity Recognition in Robotic Assisted Intelligent Environments",
    author     =  "Douglas McIlwraith and Julien Pansiot and James Ballantyne and Salman Valibeik and Ahmed Elsaify and Guang-Zhong Yang",
    year       =  2009,
    booktitle  =  "IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems (IROS)",
    address    =  "St. Louis, MO",
    pages      =  "4644--4649",
    url        =  "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs\_all.jsp?arnumber=5354377",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2009_McIlwraith_IROS_Structure.pdf",
    title      =  "Body Sensor Networks for Monitoring Rowing Technique",
    author     =  "Rachel King and Douglas McIlwraith and Benny Lo and Julien Pansiot and Alison McGregor and Guang-Zhong Yang",
    year       =  2009,
    booktitle  =  "IEEE proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN)",
    address    =  "Berkeley, CA",
    pages      =  "251--255",
    url        =  "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs\_all.jsp?arnumber=5226882",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2009_King_BSN_Rowing.pdf",
    title      =  "Bayesian Analysis of Sub-Plantar Ground Reaction Force with {BSN}",
    author     =  "Benny Lo and Julien Pansiot and Guang-Zhong Yang",
    year       =  2009,
    booktitle  =  "IEEE proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN)",
    address    =  "Berkeley, CA",
    pages      =  "133--137",
    url        =  "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs\_all.jsp?arnumber=5226902",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2009_Lo_BSN_GRF.pdf",
    title      =  "An Integrated Multi-Sensing Framework for Pervasive Healthcare Monitoring",
    author     =  "Mohamed ElHelw and Julien Pansiot and Douglas McIlwraith and Raza Ali and Benny Lo and Louis Atallah and Guang-Zhong Yang",
    booktitle  =  "3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth)",
    year       =  2009,
    url        =  "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs\_all.jsp?arnumber=5191197",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2009_ElHelw_PervasiveHealthcare.pdf",
    note       =  "(Best Paper Award)"
    author     =  "Julien Pansiot and Rachel King and Douglas McIlwraith and Benny Lo and Guang-Zhong Yang",
    title      =  "{ClimBSN}: Climber Performance Monitoring with {BSN}",
    booktitle  =  "IEEE proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks 2008 (BSN)",
    pages      =  "33--36",
    address    =  "Hong Kong, China",
    year       =  "2008",
    url        =  "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs\_all.jsp?arnumber=4575009",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2008_Pansiot_BSN_ClimBSN.pdf",
    author     =  "Douglas McIlwraith and Julien Pansiot and Surapa Thiemjarus and Benny Lo and Guang-Zhong Yang",
    title      =  "Probabilistic Decision Level Fusion for Real-Time Correlation of Ambient and Wearable Sensors",
    booktitle  =  "IEEE proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks 2008 (BSN)",
    pages      =  "117--120",
    address    =  "Hong Kong, China",
    year       =  "2008",
    url        =  "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs\_all.jsp?arnumber=4575032",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2008_McIlwraith_BSN_Fusion.pdf",
    author     =  "Surapa Thiemjarus and Julien Pansiot and Douglas McIlwraith and Benny Lo and Guang-Zhong Yang",
    title      =  "An Integrated Inferencing Framework for Context Sensing",
    booktitle  =  "IEEE proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine 2008 (ITAB)",
    address    =  "Shenzhen, China",
    year       =  "2008",
    url        =  "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs\_all.jsp?arnumber=4570518",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2008_Thiemjarus_ITAB_Inferencing.pdf",
    author     =  "Julien Pansiot and Danail Stoyanov and Douglas McIlwraith and Benny Lo and Guang-Zhong Yang",
    title      =  "Ambient and Wearable Sensor Fusion for Activity Recognition in Healthcare Monitoring Systems",
    booktitle  =  "IFMBE proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks 2007 (BSN)",
    pages      = "208--212",
    address    =  "Aachen, Germany",
    year       =  "2007",
    url        =  "http://www.springerlink.com/content/uq4555r218037630/",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2007_Pansiot_BSN_Fusion.pdf",
    author     =  "Louis Atallah and Mohamed ElHelw and Julien Pansiot and Danail Stoyanov and Lei Wang and Benny Lo and Guang-Zhong Yang",
    title      =  "Behaviour Profiling with Ambient and Wearable Sensing",
    booktitle  =  "IFMBE proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks 2007 (BSN)",
    pages      = "133--138",
    address    =  "Aachen, Germany",
    year       =  "2007",
    url        =  "http://www.springerlink.com/content/w7g3449786860775/",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2007_Atallah_BSN_Behaviour.pdf",
    author     =  "Julien Pansiot and Danail Stoyanov and Benny Lo and Guang-Zhong Yang",
    title      =  "Towards Image-Based Modeling for Ambient Sensing",
    booktitle  =  "IEEE proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks 2006 (BSN)",
    year       =  "2006",
    month      =  "April",
    pages      =  "195--198",
    address    =  "Cambridge, MA",
    url        =  "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs\_all.jsp?arnumber=1612929",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2006_Pansiot_BSN_IBM.pdf",
    author     =  "Julien Pansiot and Benny Lo and Guang-Zhong Yang",
    title      =  "A Simulator for Distributed Ambient Intelligence Sensing",
    booktitle  =  "IEE proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN)",
    pages      =  "119",
    month      =  "April",
    year       =  2005,
    address    =  "London",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2005_Pansiot_BSN_Simulator.pdf"
    author     =  "Julien Pansiot and Paul Chapman and Warren Viant and Peter Halkon",
    title      =  "New Perspectives on Ancient Landscapes: A Case Study of the {F}oulness {V}alley",
    booktitle  =  "Eurographics proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage",
    series     =  "VAST 04",
    pages      =  "251--260",
    month      =  dec,
    year       =  2004,
    address    =  "Belgium",
    url        =  "http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2384401",
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/papers/2004_Pansiot_VAST_Foulness.pdf",
    author     =  {Julien Pansiot and Edmond Boyer and Lionel Reveret},
    title      =  {System and method for three-dimensional depth imaging},
    type       =  {Patent},
    year       =  {2016},
    month      =  {Jan},
    number     =  {WO2016005688},
    note       =  {Patent App. WO2016005688},
    url        =  {http://bases-brevets.inpi.fr/fr/document/WO2016005688.html},
    IPC_class  =  {A61B 5/00 ; A61B 5/11 ; A61B 6/00 ; G06T 15/00},
    author     =  "Julien Pansiot",
    title      =  "Markerless Visual Tracking and Motion Analysis for Sports Monitoring",
    school     =  "Imperial College London",
    type       =  "{PhD} Thesis",
    address    =  "Department of Computing",
    month      =  oct,
    year       =  2009,
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/suppl/Julien_Pansiot_thesis.pdf",
    abstract   =  "In the past decade, detailed biomechanical motion analysis has become an important part of athletic training and performance evaluation. However, most commercially available systems are obtrusive and require complicated experimental setup and dedicated laboratory settings.
    With recent advances in smart vision sensors, markerless vision-based approaches have attracted significant interests for detailed sport motion analysis as they do not involve the placement of external fiducials, thus providing pervasive measurement of the athletes without affecting their normal performance.
    This thesis presents a robust real-time vision-based tracking system based on a miniaturised, low-power, autonomous Visual Sensor Network (VSN). The system is able to provide real-time motion monitoring with on-node processing.
    Detailed technical issues concerning background and silhouette segmentation, canonical view generation, 3D model-based motion parametrisation and reconstruction, wearable-ambient sensor fusion and extraction of biomechanical motion indices are addressed.
        The proposed method is applied to motion tracking of indoor tennis training and performance evaluation. Ambiguities due to occlusion, view point dependency and a lack of depth information are reduced by the deployment of a VSN.
    A method is proposed to derive 2D canonical views from a set of input video sequences to facilitate consistent motion monitoring. Further steps for 3D model reconstruction and parametrisation are also proposed, which involve the use of spherical harmonic parametrisation for deriving a compact 3D shape descriptor.
    The remaining uncertainties in motion analysis are resolved by predictive tracking based on a biomechanical model such that issues related to occlusion are avoided.
    To further incorporate high-frequency biomechanical information such as ground reaction forces, a sensor fusion framework based on an integrated use of wearable and vision-based ambient sensors is proposed. The practical value of the proposed framework is demonstrated with a systematic implementation of a VSN for tennis training, which provides real-time automated generation of player motion profiles."
    author     =  "Julien Pansiot",
    title      =  "Immersive Visualization and Interaction of Multidimensional Archaeological Data",
    school     =  "The University of Hull",
    type       =  "Master's Thesis",
    address    =  "Department of Computer Science",
    month      =  sep,
    year       =  2004,
    eprint     =  "http://julien.pansiot.org/suppl/Julien_Pansiot_Master.pdf",
    abstract   =  "The current standard method for gathering and representation of archaeological information consists of two-dimensional layer managers. This thesis presents an archaeological Geographical Information System (GIS) based on an immersive virtual environment. The aim is to allow the integration of many kinds of data, from the standard maps to more challenging numerical databases. Secondly, it should hasten the archaeological interpretations of the data by representing it within an environment that maximizes the usage of the human vision bandwidth and provides natural interaction." 